The Dairy Development Project started in 1970 is called:
Which one was related to the Declaration of Emergency in 1975?
The main purpose of the Mandal Commission was to enquire into the condition ofthe:
Point out one which is not related to globalization:
Of the following, which one is the immediate precursor of man:
The Harappan Culture is said to be:
The Greek philosopher who emphasized that the foundation of every State is theeducation of its youth:
Who initiated the Home Rule Movement in India?
The Indus Valley Cilvilization belongs to the
Who among the following was the first to visit India?
The French philosopher Rousseau belonged to the
Which metal has so far not been discovered in Harappan sites?
Remains of which animal have not been discovered in the Indus valley Civilization?
Which one of the following Asokan inscription is in “Kharosthi” script?