Manual Testing Questions & Answers (Compiled from UPSC, SSC ,PSC ,IBPS previous question papers)

  • What is the difference between Software Testing and Quality Assurance (QA)?

  • A

    Software Testing involves operation of a system or application under controlled conditions and evaluating the result. It is oriented to 'detection'.

    Quality Assurance (QA) involves the entire software development PROCESS- monitoring and improving the process, making sure that any agreed-upon standards and procedures are followed, and ensuring that problems are found and dealt with. It is oriented to 'prevention'.

  • What is build duration?

  • Ait is a tine gap between old version build and new version build in new version build some new extra features are added
  • What is the difference between top-down and bottom-up testing?

  • ATop-Down testing begins with the system and works its way down to the unit level. Bottom-up testing checks in the opposite direction, unit level to interface to overall system. Both have value but bottom-up testing usually aids in discovering defects earlier in the development cycle, when the cost to fix errors is lower.
  • What is cookie And Session testing?

  • AA small text file of information that certain Web sites attach to a user’s hard drive while the user is browsing the Web site. A Cookie can contain information such as user ID, user preferences, archive shopping cart information, etc. Cookies can contain Personally Identifiable Information. Session is a connection between a server and client.
  • What are the common problems in the software development process?

  • A

    Inadequate requirements from the Client: if the requirements given by the client is not clear, unfinished and not testable, then problems may come.
    Unrealistic schedules: Sometimes too much of work is being given to the developer and ask him to complete in a Short duration, then the problems are unavoidable.
    Insufficient testing: The problems can arise when the developed software is not tested properly.
    Given another work under the existing process: request from the higher management to work on another project or task will bring some problems when the project is being tested as a team.
    Miscommunication: in some cases, the developer was not informed about the Clients requirement and expectations, so there can be deviations.

  • What are the basic solutions for the software development problems?

  • A
    1.  Basic requirements- A clear, detailed, complete, achievable, testable requirement has to be developed. Use some prototypes to help pin down requirements. In nimble environments, continuous and close coordination with customers/end-users is needed.
    2. Schedules should be realistic- enough time to plan, design, test, bug fix, re-test, change, and document in the given schedule. Adequate
    3. testing- testing should be started early, it should be re-tested after the bug fixed or changed, enough time should be spend for testing and bug-fixing.
    4. Proper study on initial requirements- be ready to look after more changes after the development has begun and be ready to explain the changes done to others. Work closely with the customers and end-users to manage expectations. This avoids excessive changes in the later stages.
    5. Communication- conduct frequent inspections and walkthroughs in appropriate time period; ensure that the information and the documentation is available on up-to-date if possible electronic. More emphasize on promoting teamwork and cooperation inside the team; use prototypes and proper communication with the end-users to clarify their doubts and expectations.
  • What is test scenario?

  • A

    Test scenario will be framed on basis of the requirement, which need to be checked. For that, we will frame set of test cases, in other terms, we can say all the conditions, which can be determined the testing coverage against business requirement.
    Please see the below example, which is exactly matched to my explanation.
    As we know all most all the application are having login screen, which contains login name and password. Here is the test scenario for login screen.
    Scenario: USER’S LOGIN
    Conditions to be checked to test the above scenario:
    1. Test login field and Password fields individually.
    2. Try to login with valid login and valid password.
    3. Try to login with invalid login and valid password. Etc

  • What is Ad-hoc testing?

  • AAd hoc testing is concern with the Application Testing without following any rules or test cases. For Ad hoc testing one should have strong knowledge about the Application.
  • Write high level test cases?

  • A

    Write all the test cases under high level TC, which can be covered the main functionalities like
    Creation, edition, deletion, etc….as per prescribed in the screen.
    Write all the test cases under low level TC,which can be covered the screen, like input fields are displayed as per the requirements, buttons are enabled or disabled, and test case for low priority functionalities.
    Example a screen contains two edit boxes login and password and a put buttons OK and Reset and check box for the label “Remember my password”. Now let us write high level TC
    And low level test cases.

    1. Verify that User is able to login with valid login and valid password.
    2. Verify that User is not able to login with invalid login and valid password.
    3. Verify that Reset button clears the filled screen.
    4. Verify that a pop up message is displayed for blank login.

    1. Verify that after launching the URL of the application below fields are displays in the screen.
    1. Login Name 2.Password.3.OK BUTTON 4.RESET button etc.
    5. Check box, provided for the label “remember my pwd” is unchecked.
    2. Verify that OK button should be disabled before selecting login and password fields.
    3. Verify that OK button should we enabled after selecting login and password.
    4. Verify that User is able to check the check box, providedfor the label “remember my password”.
    In this way, we can categories all the test cases under HIGH LEVEL and LOW LEVEL.

  • What is Error guessing and Error seeding?

  • A

    Error Guessing is a test case design technique where the tester has to guess what faults might occur and to design the tests to represent them. 
    Error Seeding is the process of adding known faults intentionally in a program for the reason of monitoring the rate of detection & removal and also to estimate the number of faults remaining in the program.

  • What are the contents of test report?

  • A

    There are two documents, which should be prepared at particular phase.
    1. Test Results document.
    2. Test Report document.
    Test Results doc will be prepared at the phase of each type of Testing like FULL FUNCTIONAL TEST PASS,REGRESSION TEST PASS,SANITY TEST PASS etc…Test case execution against
    The application. Once you prepared this doc, we will send the doc to our TL and PM.By seeing the Test Results doc, TL will come to know the coverage part of the testcase.Here I am giving you the contents used in the Test Results doc?
    1. Build No
    2. Version Name
    3. Client OS
    4. Feature set
    5. Main Feature
    6. Defined Test cases on each feature.
    7. QA engineer Name
    8. Test e-cases executed. (Includes pass and fail)
    9. Testcases on HOLD (Includes blocking test cases and deferred Test cases)
    10. Covereage Report (Which includes the coverage ratings in %, like % of test cases covered, % of test cases failed)
    Coming to Test report, generally we will prepare Test report, once we rolled out the product to our client. This document will be prepared by TL and delivered to the client.Mainly, this document describes the what we have done in the project, chievements we have reached, our
    Learning’s in throughout the project etc…The other name for Test report is Project Closure Report and we will summarize the all the activities, which have taken place in through out the project. Here I am giving your the contents covered in the Test Report.
    1. Test Environment (Should be covered the OS, Application or webservers, Mahchine names, Database, etc…)
    2.Test Methods(Types of Tests, we have done in the project like Functional Testing, Platform Testing, regression Testing,etc..
    3. Major areas Covered.
    4. Bug Tracking Details. (Includes inflow and outflow of the bus in our delivered project)
    5. Work schedule (When we start the testing and we finished)
    6. Defect Analysis
    6.1 Defects logged in different types of tests like Functional Test, regressiion Test as per area wised.
    6.2 State of the Defects at end of the Test cycle.
    6.3 Root cause analysis for the bugs marked as NOT A BUG.
    7. QA observations or learning’s thought the life cycle.

  • What is the difference between debugging and testing?

  • AThe main difference between debugging and testing is that debugging is typically conducted by a developer who also fixes errors during the debugging phase. Testing on the other hand, finds errors rather than fixes them. When a tester finds a bug, they usually report it so that a developer can fix it.
  • What are the contents in an effective Bug report?

  • A
    1. Project
    2. Subject
    3. Description
    4. Summary
    5. Detected By (Name of the Tester)
    6. Assigned To (Name of the Developer who is supposed to the Bug)
    7. Test Lead (Name)
    8. Detected in Version
    9. Closed in Version
    10. Date Detected
    11. Expected Date of Closure
    12. Actual Date of Closure
    13. Priority (Medium, Low, High, Urgent)
    14. Severity (Ranges from 1 to 5)
    15. Status
    16. Bug ID
    17. Attachment
    18. Test Case Failed (Test case that is failed for the Bug)
  • Can you test a program and find 100% of the errors?

  • AIt is impossible to fine all errors in an application mostly because there is no way to calculate how many errors exist. There are many factors involved in such a calculation such as the complexity of the program, the experience of the programmer, and so on. This Manual testing interview questions is the most tricky questions considered by testers.
  • What is Defect Leakage?

  • ADefect leakage occurs at the Customer or the End user side after the application delivery. After the release of the application to the client, if the end user gets any type of defects by using that application then it is called as Defect leakage. This Defect Leakage is also called as Bug Leakage.
  • In which way tester get Build A, Build B, Build Z of an application, just explains the process?

  • A

    After preparation of test cases project manager will release software release note in that Document there will be URL path of the website link from that we will receive The build In case of web server projects, you will be provided with an URL or a 92.168. ***. *** (Web address) which will help you access the project using a browser from your system. In case of Client server, the build is placed in the VSS (Configuration tool) which will help you get the .exe downloaded to your computer.

  • What is AUT?

  • AAUT is nothing but "Application Under Test". After the designing and coding phase in Software development life cycle, the application comes for testing then at that time the application is stated as Application Under Test.
  • How do you review test case? Type of Review…

  • ATypes of reviewing test cases depend upon company standards, viz.., Peer review, team lead review, project manager review. Some times client may also review the test cases reg what is approach following for project
  • What good bug tracking systems have you used?

  • AThis is a simple interview question about your experience with bug tracking. Provide the system/systems that you are most familiar with if any at all. It would also be good to provide a comparison of the pros and cons of several if you have experience. Bug tracking is the essence of testing process and is a must asked manual testing interview questions in any interview. Do not forget this.
  • What is Installation testing?

  • AInstallation testing is done to verify whether the hardware and software are installed and configured properly. This will ensure that all the system components were used during the testing process. This Installation testing will look out the testing for a high volume data, error messages as well as security testing.
  • What is performance Testing and Regression Testing?

  • A

    Performance Testing:-testing the present working condition of the product
    Regression Testing:-Regression Testing is checking for the newly added functionality causing any errors interims of functionality and the common functionality should be stable
    In the latest and the previous versions

  • When is a test considered to be successful?

  • AThe purpose of testing is to ensure that the application operates according to the requirements and to discover as many errors and bugs as possible. This means that tests that cover more functionality and expose more errors are considered to be the most successful.
  • What is Security testing?

  • ASecurity testing is the process that determines that confidential data stays confidential Or Testing how well the system protects against unauthorized internal or external access, willful damage, etc? This process involves functional testing, penetration testing and verification.
  • Explain Boundary value testing and Equivalence testing with some examples?

  • A

    Boundary value testing is a technique to find whether the application is accepting the expected range of values and rejecting the values which falls out of range.


    A user ID text box has to accept alphabet characters ( a-z ) with length of 4 to 10 characters. BVA is done like this, max value: 10 pass; max-1: 9 pass; max+1=11 fail ;min=4 pass;min+1=5 pass;min-1=3 fail; Like wise we check the corner values and come out with a conclusion whether the application is accepting correct range of values.

    Equivalence testing is normally used to check the type of the object.


    A user ID text box has to accept alphabet characters (a - z) with length of 4 to 10 characters. In +ve condition we have test the object by giving alphabets. i.e. a-z char only, after that we need to check whether the object accepts the value, it will pass. In -ve condition we have to test by giving other than alphabets (a-z) i.e. A-Z, 0-9, blank etc, it will fail.

  • Explanation:

    Boundary value testing is a technique to find whether the application is accepting the expected range of values and rejecting the values which falls out of range.


    A user ID text box has to accept alphabet characters ( a-z ) with length of 4 to 10 characters. BVA is done like this, max value: 10 pass; max-1: 9 pass; max+1=11 fail ;min=4 pass;min+1=5 pass;min-1=3 fail; Like wise we check the corner values and come out with a conclusion whether the application is accepting correct range of values.

    Equivalence testing is normally used to check the type of the object.


    A user ID text box has to accept alphabet characters (a - z) with length of 4 to 10 characters. In +ve condition we have test the object by giving alphabets. i.e. a-z char only, after that we need to check whether the object accepts the value, it will pass. In -ve condition we have to test by giving other than alphabets (a-z) i.e. A-Z, 0-9, blank etc, it will fail.