In a stream running at 2 Kmph, a motor boat goes 10 Km upstream and back again to the starting point in 55 minutes. Find the speed of motor boat in still water

  • 18 kmph
  • 22 kmph
  • 16 kmph
  • 20 kmph
  • Explanation:

    speed in downstream = (X + 2) km 

    speed in upstream = (X - 2) kmph 

    10/X+2 + 10/X-2 = 55/60 
    11X2 - 240X - 44 = 0 
    (X - 22)(11x + 2) = 0 
    X = 22 or X = -2/11 
    Then X = 22 kmph

In a stream running at 2 Kmph, a motor boat goes 10 Km upstream and back again to the starting point
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