How to succeed in Bank Clerical Exams

OpenGuide-Bank Clerk exams are getting competitive each  season.Every section is going into a higer level considering the number of students writing it.Two years back the ratio of students competing for a single vaccancy was 1:1500.Now the situation musthave increased its quarter of it.The easiness and security of the job are forcing the students to join a bank Coaching academy.At the same time we can see the students opting out of the exams due to high level competition.The proverb says.'Try and Try till you succeed'.Yes,there are numerous ways to win a bank exam do not lose heart with a few failures.Given below are some of the steps which have given numerous bankers.

1)Study basics of each section

There are four sections in a bank exam sometimes five sections they are English Language,Quantitative Aptitude,Reasoning,Current Affairs and Computer Knowledge.

(i)English Language:English Language is easy if you read and watch English programmes.Most of the sentence construction will come automatically if you watch good programmes.A habit of reading good English magazines and novels are good.You can read anything you like any subject you prefer.It could be sports commentatory,cookery shows etc.By hearting english Grammar out of the blue will be hard and but you can absolutely get a grip of gramar through online worksheets provided by English study websites.If it is that hard then a help of English Teacher will do good to catch the rest.Discussing topics that you like in English will also do good.

(ii)Reasoning:There are basics and shortcuts to do reasoning questions.This is the first thing you have to study while clearing the basics of reasoning.Short cuts are available for ranking,syllogism and inequalities.Revise short cuts to gain time.Puzzles can sometimes be tricky and easy.Sometimes longer puzzles will be the easiest.Try different types of puzzles and solve it out while working out question papers.Section wise solving will give you a false confidence.

(iii)Quantitative Aptitude:Quantitative Aptitude is the easiest if you know the basics and short cuts by heart.Questions will be there from Graph,simplification and chapterwise questions.Understand which section is the most probable to ask questions and prepare thoroughly from it.

(iv)Current Affairs:Current Affairs is the hardest for majority of the students.It is because there is no habit of reading  newspapers and hearing news among students.Only the daily meeting of words and individuals will give you a basic idea.Understand what is happening around the world through daily news.

(v)Computer Knowledge:Question from computer knowledge are mostly easy, fourty percent of the questions can surely be attended.To have an idea about Ms Office where the most of the questions are asked,take a laptop and work in each section to get an idea of what happens and its short cuts.For ex: Open a Ms word window and have an idea of all the tabs,toolbars and its shortcuts.Ms excel is avery important section where questions are asked.Current Affairs related to computer knowledge is also very important.

2)Work out questions papers,Stop doing it section by section

Working out of maximum number of question papers is the best way to clear an exam.Students have been found working out section by section thus getting good marks in each section.But only the clearing of a question paper together will help the students to adjust time and pressure.After you clear your basics work out a maximum of one paper everday.Get to know new questions through new model question papers and make sure that you workout again the mistakes that you made, unless and untill you wont improve.

3)Practice questions papers strictly with time limit

Question papers must be cleared in 120mts.Make a habit of working out at home in 120mts itself.Sections such as current affairs,english language and computer knowledge must be finished in go and there should not be a coming back.Make the maximum use of time for QA and Reasoning sections.

4)Write mock test with a group

If you have friends preparing for bank exams then workout in a group.Write it as an real exam and compare your scores.If you have scored considerable less than your friends understand that you have to pick up and understand the section where you have lost marks.

5)Apply for exams with similar model

There are numerous exams which has the exact same model of bank exams.Apply for them and write it.Get to know the changing patterns and and if you are lucky you will get a repetition of questions from current affairs.And if you win it will be a confidence booster for you.Dont lose any oppurchunity to write any exams.

6)Read Hindu,watch news

Reading Hindu is a very good habit to improve english language as well as current affairs.It is also a good platform to know the new exams and recuitment of state and central governments.

Aspirants must make sure that you give your 100% in the initial years to strengthen your basics because as each year passes tests are getting very hard.All the best for your exams prepare well and keep working out question papers.

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How to succeed in Bank Clerical Exams
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