Film Director Career

A Film Director is a person who directs a film and the one who manages the technical aspects of the film in every scene. He casts the directors ,the technicians ,he choses the script and he decides the schedule for the day until night .A film director is the head of the film crew and it is the magic in the directors hands which brings life to a film. A film director visualizes the script in the hands of the script writer.

The film director gives instructions to the whole crew members in different areas. A person before becoming an film actor must be a script writer, a film editor or will be from a profession different from the film industry .Most of the directors have come from the profession of script writing and later have become directors. If the directors know the art of script writing then it will be easy for the directors to do their role.

Half of the directors have come to the main field after so many trials and errors .Another half have come to the industry after studying in a technical school. Both the directors’ havn t got any difference. Those who want to know the technical side of direction may go to a film school. Others who had the opportunity to learn it from the masters will not go to a film school.You can be a film director only after assiting the masters.Therefore you will be first known as an assitant director assisting films.

A film director also needs leadership to take care of the crew. He needs certain skills to control the crew which will be in the hot sun or in the world‘s coldest areas. More than anything he must have an artistic eye to view the scenes in the script and to make it visually appealing and at the same time original.

Film Director Eligibility

The eligibility to be a film director is that you must have a deep passion for films and its technical side.Above all you must know the technical side to be a film director.You can join a film school and learn film direction to become a film director.It will be a certificate course.

Film Director Recruitment Process

Step 1 To join a film school first you must earn a bachelors degree from a recognized university.

Step 2 Finish your graduation in any subject and join a film school which teaches film direction, acting, screenplay writing etc. The film schools will provide you certification course in direction,screen play writing,cinematography etc

Step 3 After passing out from film school assist a film director. Eminent directors today have assisted the directors in the initial years of their career.


1)      Three year post graduate diploma in Direction and Screen Play writing

2)      Three year post graduate diploma in Art direction and production design

 Top Colleges

1)      South Indian Film Institute ,Chennai

2)      Mindscreen Film Institute ,Chennai

3)      Film and Television Institute ,Chennai

4)      Asian Academy of Film and Television ,Uttar Pradesh

5)      R K Film and Media Academy, Chennai

Film Director Career Prospects

The director will have very high prospects in the film as director. He can make films according to his choice .With remarkable works he can be a very famous and talented film director.

Film Director Salary

The salary of the director is paid by the producer to the director.If he is a known director then he can have a good handsome salary.You dont have to worry if you are not getting what you are expected.You can only start your career as an assistant director.It will take years to take name as a good director.You have to be patient until you get a name as a director.

Film Director Career, Jobs, Salary, Eligibility, Courses, Colleges
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