Financial Analyst Career

A financial analyst is a person who manages a persons or institutions investment by analyzing the economic and financial parameters of the economy. They mainly act as a financial advisor telling where to invest and where not to invest. They work for individuals, institutions, banks and international organizations. A  financial analyst will focus on a certain area in their career. Some may take cases for individuals some manages cases of huge financial organizations dealing portfolios with millions and millions of rupees.

A financial analyst analysis the financial situation of a given portfolio. If the person is given to handle the probability of a factory or a manufacturing unit they will research on financial parameters  whether to invest in so and so area .They will try to maximize the profit of the client before the person starts to invest .Entrepreneurs only start investing in   so an so area after listening to the financial advices of the analyst.

The success of a financial analyst is the persons experience. It will help the person give the right piece of advice for investment. A financial analyst must also do his homework as updating the new trends ,the ups and downs of the global economy. The person must also have good contacts with investors to achieve good exposure on the economy.

It is a wise choice to be a financial analyst who likes to think critically over an issue. The financial reward for the career is also high. But only the genuine interest and passion for the job will make  you a successful analyst .Even if the financial rewards fail, only the passion for the job can keep you going

Financial Analyst Eligibility

To be a financial analyst you must have bachelors and masters in subjects like finance and economics.

Financial Analyst Recruitment Process

Step 1 To be a financial analyst you must have the required academic qualifications to be one .The needed academic qualifications are  

1) Masters in Business Administration(Finance)

Eligibility – Must pass  CAT

Duration-2 yrs

Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad

2) Masters in Business Administration ,(Finance)

Eligibility- Must pass CAT

Duration -2 yrs

Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore

3) Masters in Business Administration (Finance )

Eligibility –Must pass CAT

Duration- 2 yrs

Xaviers Labour Research Institute ,Jamshedpur

4) Masters in Business Administration (Finance)

Eligibility –Must pass CAT

Duration- 2 yrs

Faculty of Management Studies ,Delhi

5) Masters in Business Administration ,(Finance)

Eligibility- Must pass CAT

Duration -2 yrs

International Management Institute, Delhi 

Financial Analyst Career Prospects

There are many other career prospects for a financial analyst. They act as financial advisors to corporates. They manage budgets and advise the companies on future investments. Everybody would want a person who can economically tell where to invest. A financial analyst will never have to retire as his age increases so does his experience

Financial Analyst Salary

A financial analyst can get good financial rewards from his client .The salary will be mostly on the basis of the commission. The more profit the client makes the more commission the analyst will get. Your salary will depend upon the type of clients you will get.

Financial Analyst Career, Jobs, Salary, Eligibility, Courses, Colleges
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